David Mann, Industry Veteran, Elected Regional Vice President of HIA NSW


David Mann, one of the founding directors of Allera, has been elected Regional Vice President of the Housing Industry Association (HIA) of New South Wales. Bringing over 40 years of experience in the building and development industry to the role David is widely respected for his expertise and knowledge.

In a statement, Mann said he was “extremely honoured” to have been elected by his peers to the position. “I have experienced both the highs and the lows of this industry,” he said, “and I have met and worked alongside many great leaders. I am looking forward to using my experience to help HIA advocate for the interests of the industry and its members.”

Mann’s election comes at a time of great challenge for the building and development industry. The sector is facing a number of headwinds, including rising costs, supply chain disruptions, and skill shortages, and said he is committed to working with HIA to address these challenges and ensure that the industry remains strong and vibrant.

“I am confident that we can overcome these challenges and continue to build great homes and communities for the people of New South Wales,” he said.

Mann’s election is a significant privilege for Allera. The company is a strong supporter of HIA, and his appointment will help to strengthen the relationship between the two organisations.

“We are delighted that David has been elected as Regional Vice President of HIA NSW,” said Allera Director, Zach Morrison. “David is a highly respected figure in the industry, and his experience and knowledge will be invaluable to the HIA”

His role as Vice President is a positive development for the building and industry in New South Wales. He is a respected industry leader with a wealth of experience, and he is committed to working with HIA to address the challenges facing the sector. Despite the current headwinds, his appointment is a sign of confidence in the future of the industry.